Time-evolving violin plotΒΆ

Violin plot of select parameters for a single source showing how parameter estimation changes with observing time over all observing epochs

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

from lisacattools.catalog import GWCatalogs
from lisacattools.catalog import GWCatalogType

# get list catalog files
catPath = "../../tutorial/data/mbh"
catalogs = GWCatalogs.create(GWCatalogType.MBH, catPath, "*.h5")

last_cat = catalogs.get_last_catalog()
detections_attr = last_cat.get_attr_detections()
detections = last_cat.get_detections(detections_attr)

detections = detections.sort_values(by="Mass 1")
    ["Parent", "Log Likelihood", "Mass 1", "Mass 2", "Luminosity Distance"]
Parent Log Likelihood Mass 1 Mass 2 Luminosity Distance
MBH010993271 MBH010993145 58.644439 6043.582334 1484.773218 22.671702
MBH006058694 MBH006058694 119.338404 10349.085349 3303.282920 47.235091
MBH000373540 60.282950 11191.400618 1573.347120 22.205113
MBH002301433 67.615841 12659.907280 3912.600441 34.400859
MBH005546845 MBH005546845 652.996924 13238.473697 2707.606755 30.323258
MBH004556400 MBH004556400 243.337498 15868.967713 9036.333963 28.921349
MBH004650719 MBH004650719 446.562104 22450.923508 8796.170612 59.148264
MBH001865195 MBH001865195 164.506458 24034.822836 8748.509775 95.079793
MBH007449510 MBH007449510 72.207804 38276.504295 2615.575967 100.930430
MBH006253789 MBH006253789 260.016246 51499.191655 5166.812496 24.506354
MBH011318669 MBH011317078 740.270521 142698.356416 31498.663144 13.886229
MBH007807200 MBH007807200 189597.629550 641359.177017 83719.952286 14.897055

Choose a source from the list of detections and get its history through the different catalogs

# Pick a source, any source
sourceIdx = "MBH005546845"

# Get source history and display table with parameters and observing weeks containing source
srcHist = catalogs.get_lineage(last_cat.name, sourceIdx)
srcHist.drop_duplicates(subset="Log Likelihood", keep="last", inplace=True)
srcHist.sort_values(by="Observation Week", ascending=True, inplace=True)
        "Observation Week",
        "Log Likelihood",
        "Mass 1",
        "Mass 2",
        "Luminosity Distance",

allEpochs = catalogs.get_lineage_data(srcHist)

# For plotting purposes, we add a new parameter that is merger time error (in hours), expressed relative to median merger time after observation is complete
latestWeek = np.max(allEpochs["Observation Week"])
allEpochs["Merge Time Error"] = (
    allEpochs["Barycenter Merge Time"]
    - np.median(
        allEpochs[allEpochs["Observation Week"] == latestWeek][
            "Barycenter Merge Time"
) / 3600

Create the violin plot select the parameters to plot and scaling (linear or log) for each

params = [
    "Mass 1",
    "Mass 2",
    "Spin 1",
    "Spin 2",
    "Luminosity Distance",
    "Merge Time Error",
scales = ["log", "log", "linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"]

# arrange the plots into a grid of subplots
ncols = 2
nrows = int(np.ceil(len(params) / ncols))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10], dpi=100)

# plot the violin plot for each parameter
for idx, param in enumerate(params):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, idx + 1)
        x="Observation Week",

# add an overall title
fig.suptitle("Parameter Evolution for %s" % sourceIdx)
Parameter Evolution for MBH005546845

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 16.875 seconds)

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